Wednesday, March 23, 2016

11 Months..

I can't believe I am already sitting down to write about Mavs 11 month mark! They aren't lying when they say time just flies by. I love the age that he is at. He is so busy and his personality really starts to show through! Teething is a beast though. The first tooth wasn't bad! But this second one.. man he has been struggling! Every time he eats food that he has to chew he screams! Anyone have any secrets that they have for helping a teether? Im all ears!

Anyways.. he is super stubborn but so happy! (unless he is having pain from teething) He is a non stop mover.. Luckily not walking yet but crawls really fast! He is obsessed with the stairs. He always is wanting to climb up them! We are learning how to go down them and he is doing really well. He loves his blankie. He will always crawl with it or bury his face in it when he is tired. Its so cute when he just lays on the floor after laying his head on it! He has the cutest dance moves and really loves listening to music! He isn't liking to eat food that much.. but loves his bottle! Weening him off that thing is going to be the hardest! That and his binks. I couldn't love him more than I do. He is my favorite! I love his squinty smile every time I go get him from bed in the morning.

Did I mention he is the best sleeper?? He has had the same night time schedule since he was 6 weeks old. We have always stuck to the same schedule! The times have adjusted here and there as he has gotten older but for the most part it has stayed the same! He sleeps from 6:30pm -7 am every night! Last saturday night he slept for almost 15 hours! I was shocked when I woke up and realized that it was 8:30! Lets just say I got to sleep in to which was so nice!

Being a working mom with Mav is hard but we have a schedule that works for us! I am excited for summer though because as a teacher that means time off with Mav! So excited!

going to bed on time
playing with Koda
crackers & yogurt
other babies
Swimming (still unsure but didn't hate it :) )

Table food (at least right now)
riding in his carseat
going to bed late
sitting still
being left alone

Lets just say to get this picture took about a million shots! 

Here is the reality of photo shoots haha

1 comment :

  1. He is seriously so cute Kahana, I can't believe he's already 11 months old either! I feel like you just had him- craziness. That's so nice he's a good sleeper too, I hope my kids are like that!! haha


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