Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mavryk's 7 Months Update

Oh my gosh time is flying by.. Mavryk is 7 months old! I don't know how that happened. I swear he was just born and I blinked and here we are. As a mama I have learned to try and enjoy every moment.. (even the times when he is not happy!) because it goes by to fast. Before I know it he is going to be going to school! I can't even think about that right now. He has been crawling, well more like army crawling, for about a month now. He is so busy!! Last night I set him on the living room rug to play with some toys while I grabbed something in the kitchen. No joke 1 minute later I came out to the living room and I couldn't see him!  I looked down the hallway and sure enough there were his little feet disappearing into the bathroom. He loves to explore everything in the house. Bring on the baby gates! This has been such a fun stage for us to watch him grow and develop more of a personality. He is so stubborn! (I think he gets that from me.. Oops!) He knows what he wants and pushes until he can see if he will get it. Right now we are in the middle of sleep training! He developed a cold about a month ago and during that he went from sleeping 8+ hours in a row to waking up every 2 to 3 hours. I made the mistake of nursing him every time he woke up because I felt so bad! That lead into a habit that continued and lets just say no one was getting any sleep. Now he is back up to 6 hour stretches which I don't mind and is sleeping about twelve hours total! Last night it was 6:30-7:15! So hey i'll take that!

(Loves) his binky!
mangos, apricots, & carrots
sticking everything in his mouth
playing with toys
Koda (his puppy)
bath time
his rubber ducky

being left alone
Riding in his carseat (for more than a half hour)
being cold
Not getting enough sleep

xo, Kahana

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