
Monday, July 29, 2013

Fashion Flirtation...

Okay.. I am so excited for today's post! I am honored to have Victoria from Fashion Flirtation guest posting for me :) Ever since I have found her blog she has become a daily read! She always has the most amazing fashion posts! The best part is they are always so affordable, take it away Victoria!

My name is Victoria and I'm so excited to be guest posting for Kahana today. I found her blog a couple of months ago and instantly fell in love. She has the greatest fashion sense, and her blog is definitely one of my daily reads! I started a fashion blog, Fashion Flirtation, about 5 months ago to share my love for fashion and writing. I have always been an avid stalker reader of fashion blogs, but it always drove me crazy that the clothing I was seeing on these blogs just wasn't affordable--especially for a newlywed like myself. I decided t start Fashion Flirtation to show women that you can be fashionable on a budget. You don't have to spend a fortune to look like a million bucks! Most of my clothing comes from places like Forever 21, Marshalls, and Old Navy--with the occasional J. Crew splurge.

I am a firm believer in breaking any and all fashion rules. I think that you should wear what makes you feel confident and beautiful, no matter what it is. Don't follow the latest fashion trends if you don't like them, because it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you--the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself! I believe in taking risks and being bold when it comes to fashion.

Besides blogging, I love to go shopping, do puzzles, cuddle with my husband, catch up on my favorite TV shows, and stalk other blogs. Feel free to head on over to Fashion Flirtation, and I'd love it if you'd follow along with me! :)
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How cute is she!! You will love her blog just as much as I do! I am also excited to be guest posting on her blog today! 
Happy Monday!

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Peacoats & Plaid


  1. I love the leopard with army print combo.

  2. Absolutely love all of these outfits!!! I happen to really love neon so your shoes are pretty epic in my book!
    New subscriber :)

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Thank you for stopping by my blog and all your sweet comments! I appreciate all of them so much! Xo