
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers day!

I want to tell my mom how much I love her and appreciate her! I wouldn't be where I am without her in my life helping me all along the way. Mothers are an amazing gift and I've been the luckiest daughter! She is the most selfless person that I know and I hope that someday I can be at least half of the mother that she is!
Love you mom! Xo


This week has been packed full of fun times with friends and family. Its also finally so warm outside! I love being able to wake up and go for a run in this weather. Plus I'm getting some sun... this will be much needed for Hawaii! Zack has said it multiple times.. we are going to burn... but the plus side of that is it always turns into a tan. I cant wait!! 5 more days and we will be in the beautiful islands of Hawaii. It was my favorite place to go!! Yes, I have been counting down for the past two months. I just cant wait to relax on the beach and just get away from all the stresses at home. 

This week we were able to celebrate one of my best friends birthdays! Jenny & Emily have been my best friends since 5th grade! I have been so lucky to have them as friends for so long. They are some of my biggest supporters and I love them. For Em's birthday lunch we went to Gourmandise Bakery in Salt Lake. Can I say its one of the best places to eat! If you haven't tried it you have to go. Em's sister Brittany also came! Its always so fun when we all get together. 

Thursday was a big day because Em was going through the temple! We were all able to go with her as she went through for the first time. I love the temple and the peaceful feelings that it gives. It was also so much fun to be able to go through with my best friends all there! 

Now for the weekend! I love the weekend and being able to spend it with my amazing husband! Since we are going to Hawaii next Friday he has had to work a lot more. However, Saturday we were able to go out for date night! I have talked already about one of our favorite things to do together.. mini golf! so of course we decide to go do that. Its always so fun and you get some good laughs. This time I got a hole in one! Zack had started to tell me about how the last time he got a hole in one was on this exact hole we were on... as he was telling me I hit the ball and what do you know... I got it in! I was so excited.. the people next to us congratulated me. Loved it! Zack still won though 51 to 48 but that is okay. It was still so fun! I love date nights and the amazing warm weather we can now do things outside!

Shirt: V-neck via Nordstroms Rack, Shorts: American Eagle (old) Shoes: Urban Outfitters , Necklace: F21 (old) bracelet: Urban outfitters (old) Watch: Fossil , Purse: H&M (Gift) Hat: Old Navy (want this one!)
I'm so happy that its basically summer and I cant wait for Hawaii!! Until then, Emily's wedding is tomorrow! Then a week to get ready.

Hope you have all had a great weekend!! 

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