
Monday, May 2, 2016


When I found out I was pregnant with Mav, I was excited and terrified at the same time. It didn't seem real until we went into our first doctors app and saw his little heart beat. At that moment I fell in love with a little beat on a screen.  As I was pregnant, I would think of my dreams that I had for him. I was scared of the world I was bringing him into and felt the pressure of being responsible for this tiny human that Heavenly Father was sending to Zack and I.

When he was born, the love I had for him was overwhelming! I couldn't believe that they were going to send him home with us and trust us to keep him alive! He was so tiny and sweet. When we brought him home, I know was living what I had been dreaming about for 9 months. I was now dressing him in the tiny clothes I had bought. I was bathing him, learning how to nurse, taking naps when he was sleeping, and spending hours watching his little movements.

Fast forward another year and now Mavryk is one. I still feel the responsibility of teaching Mavryk and raising him to be respectful, loving, patient, and kind. I have to stop myself from comparing myself to other moms on social media. It feels like other moms can get a better photo of their child than I can, are getting their kids to sleep better than mine, are actually able to get ready in make up during the day, or even bounce back and have a bikini ready body 1 day after having their baby! I have learned that is not the reality of motherhood nor is it the most important thing. I have learned to do what works for me and my family. I have learned to slow down and enjoy the small moments. I have learned to stop comparing myself to others. I have learned that being a mom is so much more than what I see on social media.

Mother hood is doing the best you can. Its loving so deeply and taking time to slow down. It is doing the best for your children. It is taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Its serving others and not over stressing about every thing that goes wrong.

I love being a mom and it brings me so much joy! To all you mommas out there, keep pushing forward. Love yourself. I love what Elder Holland said, "“To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle—and all will—I say, ‘Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are.’


1 comment :

  1. You already have such great perspective on what really matters.


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